Saturday, 19 December 2009

Winging it!

Holy moly it's cold today minus -4 but blue still skys so it's a
chance to rig the wing. Replace some rusted washers and clean the wing.

The funny thing was that as I rigged the wing a small washer dropped
out! Now I wonder where that came from!!

All fixed and washed I am worried about icing tonight so.....

Saturday, 12 December 2009

List of Repair & Maintenance

- Wheel Bearings Remove - Clean - Re grease
- Replace engine mounting frame with new
- Balance Prop
- 3 in 1 oil all cables - check for abrasions
- Remove - clean - spray exhaust
- Recalibrate Fuel Tank mountings
- Drain - Flush and replace coolant
- Drain oil - replace filter - remove oil reservoir - remove mag plug - clean both - assemble
- Test Slipper clutch for friction settings
- replace all breather tubes and connections with new tubes
- replace all nylocs and washers with new where removed during the coarse of the rebuild
- drain - remove and clean disk brake calipers - flush - bleed air and reset brakes
- Route and replace all electrical and sensor cables

To do:
- Strip wing and replace washers and nuts that show signs of corrosion
- Replace bungee cord
- Check and re profile batons where appropriate
- Clean fabric

Perfect Balance

So did I waist £13.50 plus VAT on a prop balancing tool? I loaded the prop set the tool as per
instructions to find its in perfect balance! Ah! With its dingks and dents filled with Araldite and smoothed off each blade is exactly the same weight, what skill and dexterity. I wish I would be able to say the same for the rest of today's tasks. Routing the cable for CHT, EGT, Oil Temp did not go so well, three or was it four setting up and re routing's be now all is in place and zip tied in place. I should list all the jobs completed....

Saturday, 5 December 2009

Progress report

Engine mounted tomorrow we connect the sparks, fuel, sensors and
cables after a short break to de coke a 582!

Friday, 4 December 2009

Assembly starts!

The parts arrive and we are ready to start the assembly. Engine frame on and the two wishbones, tomorrow on with the suspention struts!

Thursday, 3 December 2009

Spot the difference

Interesting! New engine frame arrives very little differene except in
the weight. Old is 5.6Kg the new is 6.6kg and it looks like the welder
has been to night school:)