Kaye & Paul return this week full of stories of Motor bikes, Dune buggies, gyrocopters and Fixed wings. Did you know their beach is 670 acres at low tide?
These "Thrill seeking psychopath" as The Consultants at the hospital where they work in Oz, call them. Oooozzzzz life! They don’t let pettie nonsense divert them from the fact they have one life and will live it! Taking every invitation that comes there way, without a moments notice.
They live their lives according to their rules, I resolve to do more of that!! They are united in beating MS and making “this one count”, MS is a significant foe. I learned a lot about primrose oil and nerve insulation during this week more than I care to want to know, I want to shut out the information only as it relates to dear friends, I don’t want to hear how much it is going to hurt.
These two are an example of how to see the bigger picture, an example of how to walk the talk, take life’s lesson, learn and move on. I am so inspired by these people and inspired by them as a couple, they just do the doing and are great company....if I had to describe what it’s like being with them, I would simply say, we spend a lot of time laughing.