Friday, 19 August 2011

Friday Night

What joy it is to fly after a stressful day at the office! Tonight was about flying in shorts and a hoodie, and hour and a half floating around the sandbars of the Solent, practice forced landings around the fields of Sussex and Hampshire, blowing off the stress of a failed deal. I spent today listening to Lawyer Lie to me about why he failed to complete a contract, which cost me the value of a good family holiday, in place of simply accepting it's his fault, he dropped the ball.. My recourse? Well plenty, I might take him to the Ombudsman, or take him to court, it is unfortunate for him that I know the other party, and therefore have both sides of the story.

However, Gentlemen don't sue each other, they take life on the chin, forgive and go flying.

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Saturday, 6 August 2011