To spend Saturday flying with friends is welcome start to a weeks break from work. I look at this picture and it makes me warm inside, Phil to the left who I have flown all over the UK was a student pilot who has proven decision making skills, you can find these referenced on my blog on his go around on the club Fly out to the River Wye, gets my award for Go Around of the Decade!
Bill on the right I have had the pleasure of knowing for a short period, the last 6 years! He is truly the spirit of exploration, in his retirement he puts us all to shame with his flying and exploring, he has a well developed dry sense of humour and recount's some of the best tails I have had the pleasure to hear.
The photo taken by Miguel, who is so generous & kind with this spirit, what a great day to share. \
Oddly I don't recognise the guy in the middle, he is older, and on occasion none the wiser for it!