Monday, 5 July 2010

Airspace Aware v Garmin, The FLY-UK test!

Back when the old king died Garmin were making GPS, they are robust and full of features, lots of buttons and a real boys toys. A good portable will see you pay 3x the cost of a good Dell Laptop with the latest technology and so when Airspace Aware arrived at circa 0.75x the cost of a Dell lap top I was interested to say the least! I was at the end of the life of my colour 295 and ready to invest, but a second hand second rate GPS from Garmin via EBay was still 1.5x the cost of that benchmarking Dell Laptop.

Just think about the Technology in a laptop for a few moments and you will see the direct comparator. Its like the Coke Comparator I use when visiting other nations! more or that later!

So, there I was at Popham, two hundred quid burning a hole in my credit card and so after the first 5 minute demo I purchased my Airspace Aware, 3 nights later I was packing up my Garmin 295 ready for posting to its new owner. For me a Zero - Zero Transaction, if you get my drift!

Fast forward to FLY UK and a 40 hour test drive around the shores of the UK with my new Aware, would I end up heaving it over the side? Re investing in Garmin (the Market Leader)?

The first thing you have to do when you buy a Aware is to figure out how to power it, the supplied Charger interferes with EVER ONES radios,  no exception that I am aware off, a simple fix is to by or make a charger that can be placed away from the Ciggy lighter and wired directly with the appropriate suppressors, they are available from the web but you have to buy them elsewhere not great customer service. I built my own from 4 quids worth of bits from Maplins.

NOTE to AIRBOX AWARE CUSTOMER SERVICE:- Offer other hard wire chargers and Suppressor options, face the problem

Fitted and functioning a BMAA minor mod sorts the paperwork, a nice touch from the BMAA its a free mod ;-) Thank you uncle Geoff & Ben.

Installed and working I found the 250 maps set a boon, easy to read and see airfield data, and in a microlight the distanced are manageable, the 500 maps had others in my groups preference so take you choice. We flew up to Aberdeen and were setting coarse for Orkney and may be the Shetlands, alas Wx did not work! Just as well really the Aware maps stop before Orkney!

NOTE to AIRBOX AWARE DEVELOPMENT:- Er? When is a 250 map not a 250 map? when it does not have all of the map on it?????? Doh! Schoolboy error...fix it or lose the hard core....France is my next mission, will I be disappointed?

Arriving in Longside (Peterborough) and chatting too the 3 other users on the Round UK I was traveling with they were complaining about Back lighting and visibility, A quick fix there is that the light and all the other settings are accessible if you start the Air box Aware with the Sim card out and access the settings, 3 very happy campers tracked on down the Great Glen!

NOTE to AIRBOX AWARE CUSTOMER SERVICE:- Its not in my manual how to set up one's preferences, up to and including turning off the sound! Simple fix lads....

Navigation setting up the device for your route is easy, and straight forward, but a couple of little things would make life so much easier...
- Ability to plot routes adding way points BEFORE, setting the final destination.
- Ability to reset the "go to" without having to scroll
- IPhone Swipe navigate around the map
- Ability to Sleep the device without having the thing turn off when your trying to wake it again(Is it me?)

All in All I LOVE my Aware, living with it for a week with at least 2 legs of 3 hours a day and its fit for purpose and kept me out of and aware of airspace in places I have never been. However these
simple additional options would really make a good product GREAT! the things it does well are:-

- It alerts you to your location and airspace really clearly, its brill, brill, brill, this advantage is not evident flying in your local area so this device comes into its own when you need it most...
- Its easy to ready, and the moving map is very clear and works well with a map board to confirm location
- Its 0.75x the cost of Dell Lap top cost and 20% of the cost of its competitors (Well done Airbox), add the extras and its price could go up....I be willing to pay for the upgrade of new functions.
- Its light, easily mounted and works....

Did I make the right choice? for me yes, but this device needs to mature....lets watch this space.

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