Friday, 9 April 2010

My Mecca...

Setting out today to fly the Jurassic Coast my mission was a pilgrimage to Dunkerswell. I earned my wings there under the stewardship of Jim Greenshields who is to this day runs the school which is now a thriving business, with two hangers packed with Flex and Fixed wing.

At the end of my first log book, I had amassed around 400hrs over a nine year period including the break I took from flying for five years. The firs to second was significant too me I though I should make the last flight recorded the one back to Dunkerswell, so as to return to the first entry. I could buy my next log book too and have the old one endorsed by the person who inspired me in the first place.

So it was natural that as I pass from log book number Two to Number Three that the first and last flights should be from there too...

Setting of this morning in still air I need a pee by Dorset, and find a new field called "Eyre" a friendly welcome, some setting up on the wing to do too, I am off on the second leg to Dunkerswell with a new field in my book too! I spent the day with Jim and Alexter and the now 3 year old Will, my how kids mark time. A wander over to pay my landing fee and buy lunch and soon its time to go, planning complete, Steve a new friend from Blandford Forum texts to say he is flying , we meet up at Bager Farm the second new field in the day, set up and fly the silky afternoon air together.

What a wonderful day to fly, what a great day to meet new friends, and what a day to remember back 13 years to that first flight at Dunkerswell, my piloting mecca.
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