Sunday, 18 December 2011
Sunday, 4 December 2011
Sunday, 27 November 2011
Fight or Flight
It strikes me that its a machine looking for a market, it does allot of neat stuff! And yes its streamlined, but at a cost....6 hex nuts to be able to take the overhead off to drop the wing, no front strut in the way, but two other uprights on the edge of the screens equal to two struts! Its big in side, but has little in the way of "Stash" room. OK OK, i am overcritical! I would need to fly it to enjoy the benefits of a better ride in the back, the adjustable seats, the speed 115mph! So may be I should reserve judgement, before I liken it to the Sinclare C5, which was a great idea, looking for a market.
It will fly for 8 hours on one tank! one chap told me, and he went on to say that when your traveling to say, the south of France, one could stop on route for a pee and not have to fill up with fuel, is that worth £48k? There are pumps at most French fields (Merci Total!) and so scarcity of fuel might not be a benefit...hum, so what does it do for me? A Sports Flex wing Pilot? A Flagpole Flyer who likes tours and trips?
So why did his machine receive such. A luke warm reception? Surly it's the latest innovation, well no, this design has been done to death in other markets, but cannot be imported, so its not a new idea! Did they just run out of "New" ideas?
I left the flying show like so many other simply not knowing. Maybe when I have flown it my view will change, whens the sales tour coming to the south?
Now they also launched the QuikR - Explorer, which seems to be the ultimate R! New roll characteristic's , new wheel size, topless rigging....actually for me, that was the unsung hero of this flying show.
Friday, 28 October 2011
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
Sunday, 2 October 2011
Cycle Power - Trophy or Bust!
Sunday, 25 September 2011
Steve Sebastian
Sandra called tonight, do you know, I could tell in her voice straight away, it was that same voice that I heard on the 18th January 2010. It just wasn't the same usual Sandra voice, something had changed, and it wasn’t good. I was sitting talking to Charlotte and the kids, and so leaping up I left the room to take the call. We exchanged small talk about today’s flying about the fly ins and still I could hear it in the tone, hear Sandra trying to find then silence, I knew within a few moments of "hello" this was a call I didn’t want to take, and I filled those seconds with an exchange to stall that moment. Eventually, the silence came, Sandra asked, did I know?
I purchased my first Quik from Steve, G-CCHH was a fine aircraft, although it had tried to have its way with Steve who ended up in the field after all the oil spewed out of a poor pipe connector. I needed straps to get HH home and I still owe him the £15. The every time we met the joke was that as I had sold CCHH to another friend, it was now he that owed Steve the £15 quid!
Steve I will miss you. I will miss your chaotic self, I will miss your legendary shaving skills and I will be thinking of your Wife and Daughter.
Wait with Martin for us will you? We won’t be long behind.
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
Monday, 5 September 2011
Friday, 19 August 2011
Friday Night
However, Gentlemen don't sue each other, they take life on the chin, forgive and go flying.
Sunday, 7 August 2011
Saturday, 6 August 2011
Thursday, 4 August 2011
Saturday, 30 July 2011
Friday, 24 June 2011
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
Saturday, 18 June 2011
Listen to the Wind....
There is a relative "lull" down to 15- 25 mph winds tomorrow, with no significant weather and so that is our chance to cross the channel and make it home. Tonight it's a waiting game with little to do save for contemplate what tomorrow will bring.
The great news is that I shall be home tomorrow regardless!!! If the weather does not play ball we will simply slip onto the ferry and borrow another favoir from one of our long suffering friends or relatives and ask them to pick us up.
Being stuck is an odd mix of expectation, frustration and time to think.
I have fueled for a 4 hour Flint home! That same flight usually takes 2 hours, And in 20 minutes I shall start to pack the trike before dinner.....and beer ro two and a night on the hanger floor! Deep joy.
As for now the coffee tastes good and Kim Wild is on the radio taking me back 25 years, what happy years they have been.
Mont Blanc
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
Cloud Forming
La Rossier
This shot of Meribel is taken on the approach of 159 degrees to hook around to down wind. After the Altislope of yesterday these Tarmac Altiports seem a little low rent! Although the technique to land is opposite of a traditional landing in many ways. One Must only land if the wind is from behind or uphill in the direction of landing, we must keep the power on all the way down and plan to land on the very end of the lowest section of the runway. Take off's are always down hill!
Tuesday, 14 June 2011
First flight of the day
In the big scheme of things it was an a magical moment and a walk in the park all rolled into one. The blogs pictures tell the story!
Saturday, 11 June 2011
Beaune at Bedtime
I don't think that I have ever felt this way at the end of a days flying, I feel flat! I feel like I would have rather spent the day with the people I love, perhaps the balance is changing.
Day 2 - St Omer - ????
Over night rain, a wet tent and a front dictate when we will be leaving, is our reference and seems to be very accurate!
Friday, 10 June 2011
France - Day one
Tomorrow we planning 6 hours to Beaune ( pronounced bone ), to arrive Sunday in the Alps.
Sunday, 5 June 2011
Preparation - Cheers Steve
Today, the repairs to the flight trim systems complete and tested, the airframe and engine had one of the closest inspections I have completed for a long while. G-SA is officially ready, now the packing and checking can start while I keep one eye on preparation and the other on the weather.
Thursday, 2 June 2011
Saturday, 28 May 2011
Saturday, 21 May 2011
Listening Skills
How I came to order the new helmets and headsets is a muse in itself, however before I tell you about that, I have to tell you about the sheer comfort and silence of the FlyCOM system. For the last three years friends have been telling me how good they are, but I was not listening......neither was the old fella on the MicroAvionics stand at Popham!
I had to pop onto the FlyCOM stand and pick up a visor for a friend at this years Popham Microlight Fair. The reception was light hearted with a bit of banter. They knocked off £3 quid of the list price of the visor too! It's not about how much that was it's about the spirit with which they did it.
I too needed a vizor for my all in one Micro Avionics system so I popped onto their stand and was told it' £xx for the visor, this is the interchange..
Me - "thats 5 quid more that FlyCOM list how about matching their price "Smile"?
Micro - "we can't discount because we will upset our dealers"
Me - "how about upsetting your customers?"
Micro -"if we discount our dealer will get upset"
Me - "where are the dealers? They are not here to help me, one of your customers, so why are you so worried about what they think about you giving me £5 off the visor?"
Micro - "but my dealers won't like it?"
Me - "well I am one of your customers and I don't like it! The visor is a copy of the FlyCOM so I will simply buy it from them"
Micro - "Shrugges Sholders"
Me - "sigh"
I left walked back to FlyCOM I was so disappointed in MicroAvionics mean spirity & approach it seem they value dealers and not customers, how dumb is that? Especially when the dealers arent there to help...
So here I am back at the FlyCOM stand, and for the first time I was able to spend some time with Dave and his son, I tried at Popham last year, then at the Splash show but they had been so busy. It's 1630hrs and they must be tired and certainly must have demonstrated there systems 100's of times, but I got the full demo as if it were the first in the morning! It really felt like i mattered.
Head in a large helmet, and it was silent and so so comfortable, my MicroAvionics version was difficult to put on had several pressure point and left marks on my forehead. I spend some time understanding the technical differences of which there are many. The configurations and options considered, my order was placed. If I sell my headsets, radio interface, micro avionics helmet my old Lynx gear etc etc I could buy the FlyCOM system complete.
The difference was only £350 for the benefits of an all new system, COMFORT, Silence and an interface for my iPhone that worked, yes I sold my other headsets relativly speaking quickly over the next 10 days, so the numbers really worked! It was a "show offer" which made the pricing right for my toys budget, but there was no mention that I had to suffer a finaical penalty becuase a dealer who added no value to me, might be upset.
And so FlyCOM, the experts in Listening technology really did deliver, and I am delighted with the technology, the service approach and the price was right.
I suppose I need to say thankyou for the poor service to MicroAvionics, without which I may still be flying around in a helmet that felt like it was "clamped on" , and so Thank you for not listerning, as you will see else where on this blog manufactures are welcome to reply which will be posted verbatum.
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Tuesday, 17 May 2011
Sunday, 15 May 2011
French Altiports - The Preparation - 26 days to go
- Remove and Clean Filters
- Balance Carbs
- Change the Oil & Filter
- Check all hose connections
- Silicon all rubber bits
- NikWax Solar the Wing (again)
- Fit my FlyCom units
Sunday, 8 May 2011
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Monday, 25 April 2011
The best piloting I have seen for a long time?
Let me take you to the beginning of the bank holiday weekend, three pilots en route to a weekend away to canoe the river Wye formate in a cheveron 7 miles to run to a short strip at a campsite, it had been raining but the conditions were smooth and clear. Overflying we break from the right 2, 1, 3, I land second coming in a little hot I slip and slide across the wet grass send over shoot the end of the runway into the farmers garden, but only just! I turn to see Phil land in snake left then right and for a few moments I think I am toast, in what seems like a moment later Phil powers on and goes around. So often in a short field by the time the brakes are on you have less that a couple of seconds to make your decision.
So that in and of itself does not seem to be so special, so ask why is Phil holding an Ozee with a burn hole? Now comes the context of that go around, on the final run on for the overhead join and while in formation, Phil had a capacitor blow. If you have ever experienced that you will know the cockpit fills with smoke and surprise! I know it happened to me on take off at Thorney. Phil took this in his stride made a logical assessment of the situation, engine running, no fire, all instruments good and carried on the join, break and landing sighty hot he did not get it on the ground at any cost he decided to go around having a burning sensation on his leg, around and down for the perfect short field landing.
When I think about this, the Calm, logical, and the presence of mind I think this has to pay tribute to his understanding of , and the training he received, well done Phil.
Friday, 22 April 2011
Seven side
Thursday, 21 April 2011
Saturday, 26 March 2011
Bethany's First Lesson!
We planned a flight to Sandown but turned back at Portsmouth, and simply flew the coast. Well done Beth A* ;)
Monday, 21 March 2011
Old Sarum - Emily Arrives
Saturday, 19 March 2011
Dunsfold 2011
M: 07595329158
Saturday, 12 March 2011
Friday, 25 February 2011
Morillon Take Off
T: 023 9246 8806
M: 075 9532 9158
Sunday, 13 February 2011
Saturday, 12 February 2011
Puppy Dog
Colin, (and his hair) made the sea crossing to the HMfC overseas base! Cup-o-T and a bun! It's one of his first flights since october and so a bit of flying and rigging practice will come in handy before he has his final qualifications are complete next week end.
Conversation in the club house is of the crash at Cork this week. Writing this blog my attention is diverted by a loud chap discussing how "stupid" the pilot must have been, a nice touch as the pilot lost his life along with passengers, 6 in all perished. He of coarse would not this same mistake. I must thank Mr Hindsight for sharing his wizdom and insight to the collected assembly of his non flying friends, I am sure it made him feel better about himself, although it would make no difference to how people fly, why these things happen and of coarse how the familys of Jordi Gola Lopez, Andrew Cantle will feel.
Sunday, 6 February 2011
Sunday, 30 January 2011
Thrill seeking psychopath
These "Thrill seeking psychopath" as The Consultants at the hospital where they work in Oz, call them. Oooozzzzz life! They don’t let pettie nonsense divert them from the fact they have one life and will live it! Taking every invitation that comes there way, without a moments notice.
They live their lives according to their rules, I resolve to do more of that!! They are united in beating MS and making “this one count”, MS is a significant foe. I learned a lot about primrose oil and nerve insulation during this week more than I care to want to know, I want to shut out the information only as it relates to dear friends, I don’t want to hear how much it is going to hurt.
These two are an example of how to see the bigger picture, an example of how to walk the talk, take life’s lesson, learn and move on. I am so inspired by these people and inspired by them as a couple, they just do the doing and are great company....if I had to describe what it’s like being with them, I would simply say, we spend a lot of time laughing.