Saturday, 27 June 2009
Getting his pounds worth......
I have come to know Brain a little more over the last 7 days as a man who has his own mind, holds an innocent view of the world, and comes at the world with binary logic. But the most interesting thing is, he has an open mind, and listerns without interferance from his ego to what others have to say. That is a real skill. I like Brian. I am pleased he chose to fly with us.
Oh, I almost forgot, this is Brian getting his money's worth out of a £1 stool from ASDA. I understand others paid nearly 4 time as much....
Friday, 26 June 2009
I starting with the man in the mirror...

Thursday, 25 June 2009
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
Barra - Beach Landing

Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Bute - Islay - Colonsay - Glenforsa - Sky - Plockton

Islay - Conalsay 30 minutes
Conalsay - Glenforsa 45 minutes
Glenforsa - Sky 1hr 07 minutes
Sky - Plockton - 15 minutes
Highlight: Speaking to Charlotte on the phone while I flew over the wale and across to Conalsay.
Today made all the effort worth while...tommorrows mission is to fly at midnight, is soo lite here...keep you posted...
We are off to the Outer hebradies tommorrow....
Glenforsa - Cream Tea...
The view over the loch is spectacular landings smooth and a warm welcome. Refueled with both mo gas and "Tobermory" we head on to Plockton... the Airfield manager lends us his car to pick up the fuel and supplies, I am planning a little surprise with tonight's splash! There is one resident aircraft at Glenforsa a retired instructor from Netherthorp.
A must see airfield!
The group this year is bigger than usual and our ability to make decisions has been a little longer, with some open and frank conversation clearing the air and making today run alot more smoothly...
Colonsay !!!
Laurie - Daryl - Dave make it too the island of Colonsay, a small island north of Islay. The breaches were breathtaking and deserted, the island scarcely inhabited. Just of the South Coast on the 5 mile water crossing we spy a whale swimming the cristal clear waters....just breathtaking ;-)))
The Airfield has one runway 02-20 winds light and variable but because there are 3 flights a week to this island its airfield boasts a firetruck!
There were no landing fees and a warm welcome from the locals who all arrived in minutes...
Islay - for lunch?
The Plan changes ... Today so far we have have visited Bute - Gigha - Islay where we met Duncan the aiport manager and his staff, a great welcome and a fantastic airfield. Off now to Colonsay - Glenforsa - Plockton
Tuesday Morning - Bute
Dave Baker runs for fuel with the barman from the local (only) pub.
Ross is still suffering from "Montezoumas' revenge" and is being sold
a clean pair of underpants by his brother as I type!
Plan today is ....
Bute - Gigha - Genforsa - Plockton
Monday, 22 June 2009
Island of Bute
broken down! Darryns machine lost a coolent pipe which was easily
fixed, while jonney flew the navy crew!!
Strathavon - Bute
1 hour 10 minutes
Highlight - seeing the islands in the sunshine!
Sunday, 21 June 2009
Reminder - Decision Making!?

Day Three - Carlobs - Strathavon
1 hour - 35 miles ;(
Highlights: The whole group is back together at Strathaven, weathed in due to low cloud.
Martin & Andy made it to the target Airfield at Oban becuase they left early. Our group hindered by a great nite in the Ramsey Hotel where the celibrations for most was the end of a day of the villages celibrations with a Scottish music festival's, took in a leasurely Scottish Breakfast and took time to mend some heads! The second wave of folks to leave made it to Strathavon and got stuck listening to "Anecdotes and Stories " making decisions through doubt and uncertainty rather than.... We watched the F1 Grand Prix which ended at 1500hrs, did not make it past Strathavon, minded to keep the team together we stayed, lets hope this is not a "Dornoch" Moment.....time will tell how long we are here for..
I am getting annoyed with the size of the group we flying in, one pushing to race off and reach conclusions quickly, the other half with a slower approach to decisions but with an eye for the whole week and the prise of the western isles! May be the outer Hebrides!
The news is it should be clearing tomorrow.....watch this space...
Tonight we are camping in the hanger!
DAY TWO - Northampton - Edinburgh
2hrs 30 Minutes
Highlights: Jodderal Bank - Manchester Low Level Corridor
Barton - St Michaels
1hr 05 Mintes
Highlights:: Meeting Jim Orange farther of 14 kids 10 boys and 4 Girls.
St Michaels - Kirkbridge
1Hrs 30 Minutes
Highlights: Morcombe Bay / Lake District
Kirkbrige - Edinburgh (Carlobs )
1.20 Minutes
Highlight: Extream Turbulance - Bundting the Aircraft over the 2,500 foot TME..
Saturday, 20 June 2009
Today I cried..
Dirk on the left is Goodstuff (Gustave) brother, I met him in 2007 at Swansea airfied after he was diagnosed with a brain tuma. When I first met him, becuase I knew of his illness I expected something different, I dont know what, may be some self pity, may be somone who was having phsical diffoulcty, the truth is I expected that people with Cancer seem to try hard to hang on....but wiht Dirk I metsome one who was completely at ease with who he was and what had happened to him. I can best describe him as being annoyed he has a brain tumor, but during those first flights around Wales and up to Ince I got to know him and understand just a little about his life.
Over hopeful is how I would decribe most people I knew with Cancer, but Dirk is not over hopeful but resigned to make the most of every chance that comes his way. So in 2006 he was diagnosed with the Tumor and Julie & He now have a beautful son Jack born on the 29th of Feb 2008 , and another child on the way.
Meeting him again today was a shock, he walks with Sticks and a Frame, and is or seems to be at one with the progressive nature of his tumor. " Its like someone is blowing bubbles in a milkshake in my head"
In planning todays flight we were worried about his fits and medication, a fit in an microlight would be life threaterning. But wiht Jonney's experence and planning a way was found.
I found myself with a tear in my eye, in part self pitty in part frustration that I did not meet Dirk earlier....
Friday, 19 June 2009
Fly UK - Day one Hayling Island - Sywell

DAY ONE - Thorney Island - Sywell Nothampton
Saying good bye to the kids today was tough, its become a language of goodbye they have had too much of this week. They said good bye to some innocence (difficult circumstances) this week at School but worse still Bethany & Emily's best friends Mia & Yvonne are moving out to America, there Dad is VP of something for GKN and on a 3 year project to Dallas. The good byes last night were painful to watch. As a parent one's instinct is to try and protect your kids from any hurt, however there are times when that's not possible, nor desirable, as they take one more step in growing up.
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
Fly UK 2009 - Counting Down - Tuesday

Wednesday, 10 June 2009
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
Thorney Island Fly in - Vitial Statistics
Vital Statistics!
Visitors 105
Movements 210 (approx)
82 People Flown for Air Experience.
Funds Raised Total£3530.79 just over the target up £1000.00 compared to 2008
We are working on ideas for 2010 to give the event a dynamic feel! more later....watch this space! Thanks to all the visitors that make this possible ;-) Thank you to all the Army folks who helped make this event special for the visitors. The one thing that always surprises me is the generosity of the giving, be that time or money in a world with so much suffering its easy to become conditioned to expect the worst. This weekend we experienced the best!
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
Monday, 1 June 2009
Darelle - Daryl